Decorative glass bowls are able to be used as good ornament in your living room. They could be used for numerous uses. The following are several tips to be your reference in deciding on using the decorative bowls.
Beautiful and Superb Uses of Decorative Glass Bowls
You can illuminate your decorative glass bowls with candles. A good approach to take pleasure in your decorative bowls for the evening is by putting a pillar candle inside the bowl. Employ pillar candles if you wish for them to end throughout the evening.
If you do not wish to be concerned with get rid of the wax from the bowl after it is exhausted, place a votive candle in holder within the bowl. Decorating the room with large glass bowls is also an alternative. A large decorative bowl is a good ornament for fireplace mantels or whichever part that wants some beats.
Filling the bowl by silk flowers or dried out flowers will offer an instantaneous boost to a colorless corner. Large bowls could also be positioned on the floor next to an entertainment center or table. Aside of using large glass bowls; you can also make a decoration with small bowls.
Small decorative bowls could be clustered mutually as a display. They can be set upon a plate in varieties of heights to form a kind of vignette. The area for this idea is on coffee table. Moreover, the evening movie at home will be funnier by using decorative bowls for snacks bowl. Fill them with popcorn, crackers or any favorite chips for you pleasant time.
A beautiful glass planter can be another tip for decorative glass bowls. You could put a potted plant in the decorative glass bowl. Place it inside the glass. Take it out once a week for watering. Let it drain and put it back in the bowl.
Decorative glass bowls can be used as spot for belongings as well. Place keys, remote control, reading glass, or your other small important stuff into the bowl. It is practical, charming, and easily to spot. You can also put various stones, glass rock, and shells for the more aesthetic room.
To add some pleasantness, put several scented glass rocks as well. Those are several uses of decorative glass bowls for your house or office. Make some creative ideas or innovations with those bowls. Who knows that a little stuff can be a center of your room?