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Glass Votive Holders and Extra Creativity

Glass votive holders are easy to find. Although the design is simple, it can be the beautiful decorations for tabletops or vignettes. Just use your creativity to make something unique and enchanting. The use of votives is not only for rooms, you can even use them as event …

Choosing Bronze Ceiling Fan

Aside from air conditioner usage, the use of ceiling fan can substitute the function of air conditioner. Once it is used, ceiling fan becomes primary item to control air circulation inside the room. Ceiling fan comes in various designs and materials, such as bronze ceiling fan. You do …

Easy Guide to Put Gold Wall Mirror and the Effects

Do you want to add something charming to your room? Then you can try gold wall mirror. Mirror is a multifunction furnishing that you could put in your room. It can add an illusion of enlarged space if it happened to be placed rightly on a small room …

The Designs of Wallpaper Borders for Kitchen

Nowadays, wallpaper borders have various uses. It is applied not only to decorate the room, but also to beautify the kitchen as well. Wallpaper borders for kitchen provide a lot of different designs, colors, and sizes that can be chosen. This wallpaper will make kitchen cozier to cook …

Liown Candles Buying Tips

Candles are made of wax or the other flammable solid material. It is made to provide light when you need it. You can choose Liown candles for your home. The development of candles creation leads to product which provides fragrance. However, the basic use of candle still needs …