There are lots of great wooden boxes that are able to be found that can be turn into wooden flower boxes. Find it on haunting flea markets, yard sales, or else to buy the appealing boxes.
Boxes with writing are terrific, whereas painted ones are gorgeous. However, before you buy an old painted box, always check for the lead paint. You can purchase an easy test kit at any hardware store.
Wooden Flower Boxes from used box: How to do it
Wooden flower boxes are able to last for years. However even cedar, which is assumed as one of the most excellent woods for planters, be capable of rotting quite rapidly when crammed with damp soil and uncovered to the atmosphere. Furthermore, nails and other metal hardware utilized to make the box can rust quickly as well.
To expand the duration of boxes, line the boxes with plastic. Find a heavy duty plastic bag to line the inside of the box. However, if you are planting edibles plants in the box, skip the plastic due to the probability of chemicals leach into the soil.
You may want drainage holes, but it depends on how leaky it is without the holes. To check this out, fill the empty box with water. If the water without restraint runs out the base, you need no drainage holes.
If the box fills up, you need to drill several drainage holes on the bottom and several others in the sides. To make wooden flower boxes, make sure those holes are lined close to the base of the box, particularly if this stuff will be placed on non-porous surface, such as a deck or patio. If not, the water will be contained in the base of the box and causing roots rotting.
Select plants that right to the size and depth of the wooden box. For shallow or low boxes, choose low rooted plants. An example of plant for shallow box is Succulents, microgreens, and the majority salad greens are going to do well in your shallow box. Following you lined up the box with plastic, then fills it with potting soil and plant it as usual.
If you plan to put the box on a patio or wooden deck, you can elevate the box with some pot feet. Wet wood are able to stain on a porous surface. There are all sorts of stuff could use for pot feet for wooden flower boxes, depending on the size of your box and, of course your taste. Everything is from shot glasses, to coffee mugs. Just be sure the feet are waterproof and stable.